Reality show!Hmmm...Guess Big Brother was the tv show which had the features of a series of shows probably year after year where the Audience also plays a vital role.After its grand success,many Individual channels started hosting Reality shows packed with a punch.India too joined this race N launched programs like Indian Idol,Mtv Roadies which were chartbusters and fetched extremely high Trp ratings.The critical reason behind its success was the inclusion of people to be a part of the program which provided the common man a sort of dynamic feeling compared to the same monotonous N lachrymosal serials(Especially in India).
Reality shows consists of purportedly unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events which definitely ads a social spark.They follow a pattern of Elimination which is primarily decided by the Vote a contestant gets via Sms(In India).I wanna express utter disrespect for this sort of method because its not only unethical,but I also doubt its credibility as we are not provided any proof in its regard.I wanna talk about the Asianet Program Idea Star singer which is currently about to enter its fifth Season(What A Run!).I hate this show to the core.So many genuine N unique talents have been voted out of the program for lack of Sms vote.Is Sms the real criteria or Talent?Not once,not twice but 10 extremely gifted contestants have been eliminated as per me,which really makes me wonder whether these reality shows are aimed @ discovering newer talents or brain draining our youngesters into a Mirage where they will retain the Show stoppers till almost the end of show N then kick him out @ the penultimate stage(Like Somdas).
Now a days most of the Asianet Offshore programs features these contestants instead of Professional singers which definitely is a budget saver for Asianet,which was definitely their plan from the very beginning.Not to mention halfway through the series I can predict the winner myself(Like I did for Najim N Vivek).Also they tend to host some charity shows N all to make the mass move with them.Wake Up people!This is a tirade against our people.If this voting feature is still continue,then atleast stick to your heart N vote for the right talent & not Appearance.I really feel that Human emotions are being traded for the green.Money talks!JaaGo India JaaGo!Go have TATA TEA.....youngsters career plans are ruined as they are more N more motivated by the money.Not to mention children are also forced to enter this game(Parents please don't push them)out of compulsion.Please put a ban on these kind of shows.Enough money making!Deliver some quality programs which can be beneficial for the community as a whole N not just rake in money.Please give this a thought N comment.
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